Bird writing paper
Writing A Good Abstract For Research Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
School Counselor Analysis Free Essays
School Counselor Analysis Siobhan (Sam) Garrett PSY/435 April 17, 2013 Healey Irked Title of Paper In request to do a legitimate examination on a school instructor one must comprehend what the person does every day. This is to lead a vocation investigation for a school instructor and talk about how it will be utilized inside the educational system. Close to decide the unwavering quality and legitimacy of the school instructor examination. We will compose a custom exposition test on School Counselor Analysis or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now At that point the exhibition and examination strategies that apply to being a guide will be assessed. At last the advantages and vulnerabilities of every exhibition evaluation technique will be clarified. This will give a full activity investigation of a school instructor and what their activity involves. Occupation Analysis For this activity one would direct a vocation situated investigation. This is the examination type that gives the idea of the undertakings done at work (Spector, 2012). The school instructor is there to offer the types of assistance that the kids need. The person in question will give evaluation and screenings, gathering and individual guiding with school staff, guardians, outside offices, and plan therapeutic training programs (National Association of School Psychologist,â 2012). The guide is a piece of the group that chooses what the understudies qualified for suitable programming, extraordinary administrations, and advertisement on-going advancement. A portion of the obligations of the school guide are as per the following. Assess and screen kids and choosing fitting instruments, composing reports that show the assessment discoveries, and regulating tests (National Association of School Psychologist,â 2012). This helps the subsidizing for the projects. Have a gathering or meeting with the staff, guardians, or youngster about the advancement the person in question is making and state cap sort of material is required for the improvement of the child’s learning experience. The advocate ought to consistently be accessible to understudies who truly need to talk with her for private issues concerning the government assistance of the home and school condition. Offer direct types of assistance, for example, when all is said in done training settings, study hall introductions, and adjusting materials required for the understudy in the homeroom (National Association of School Psychologist,â 2012). Reports student’s levels of execution and reconsider varying to see where the understudy has picked up and where the understudy despite everything needs work. Manage the appointed Para-teachers (National Association of School Psychologist,â 2012). The advocate must arrangement with requirements and obstructions decidedly. The person must figure out how to utilize new execution and approaches in their obligations. This is only a part of the prerequisites of the understudy instructor. Unwavering quality and Validity The dependability of this data is acceptable in light of the fact that in addition to the fact that it came from a lady who functions as a school guide it was sponsored up by data discovered on the web and refered to with the goal that the data could be turned upward and alluded to if necessary. The legitimacy of this is additionally acceptable in light of the fact that it has been reported on numerous site pages including the N. A. S. P. In this manner it is a substantial and dependable source and data from the source. The source has been a school advocate for a long time despite the fact that she won't reveal precisely what number of. Execution examination techniques Some of the target gauges that a school guide can be evaluated with are straightforward measures. These incorporate appearing for work each day on time without any reasons. This will bring about less missed days which ought to be remunerated in light of the fact that the less they are missing the more they can be there for the understudies that need them that day. On the off chance that they are there for the understudy, at that point the understudy may not wind up missing any days which is likewise an or more so it has like a snowball impact. Another way is keeping away from mishaps. By evading mishaps the school doesn't need to turn in mishaps to insurance agencies and has less bills and obligations owed out toward the year's end hence not simply helping the instructor realize what the individual in question is dong yet additionally the school itself would profit by this. At long last profitability or the quantity of individuals the advocate sees and aides regularly. The more understudies the advocate sees the a greater amount of them can return to their regular daily existences and living upbeat and everybody will disregard them. This could even bring about less harassing in the corridors and after school. The manners in which that the emotional proportions of occupation execution can assess ones employment execution is in the realistic rating structure which evaluates people on a few components of execution. This resembles rating your activity execution on a size of one to ten. The manager may make a presentation rating on your business to tell the individual how the person in question is getting along that week. The conduct centered rating scale can be utilized to concentrate on ones conduct at work. On the off chance that an individual has a decent demeanor, at that point they may get a decent conduct score. In the event that the person has an awful mentality the individual in question may get an awful evaluating on the conduct score. This relies upon the manner in which the individual demonstrations and carries on while doing their activity. Different individuals from the staff may likewise rate ones conduct at work. This will enable the manager to decide whether they are coexisting with you or in the event that the person is raising a ruckus or are not popular among your kindred representatives. They may mention objective facts on ones execution too. On the off chance that the individual in question is working superbly a horrible occupation or only an adequate employments then the person can be evaluated on that presentation. Advantages and Vulnerabilities. The advantages and vulnerabilities of these can be straightforward or even extraordinary. These are increasingly valuable on the off chance that one is doing their activity effectively. In the event that the individual in question is carrying out the responsibility accurately, at that point the person will get great evaluations and have the option to have a decent score and afterward occupation will keep on endeavoring from that individual doing it. Then again on the off chance that the person in question isn't working admirably the person could get terrible imprints and the activity could even experience the ill effects of the absence of exertion that individual is placing into the activity. The youngsters could even endure in this specific employment if the activity isn't done effectively. Another way this could be an awful thing is if an individual was to get terrible stamps however was really working admirably. The individuals the person is working with may simply have an issue with the person in question and could give terrible imprints thus. Taking everything into account, a school counselor’s work obligations incorporate creation sure the entirety of the kids who her assistance and help need get it in each part of school. This is a solid and legitimate source and data in light of the fact that not exclusively did the data originate from the subject it additionally originated from a few different sources. This individual is decided on her exhibition from everyday not on appearing, looking decent, and being polite yet additionally on the real execution itself. In the event that the person in question carries out her responsibility, looks pleasant, and keeps the individuals she works with glad cultivator or she ought to have the option to keep the activity and get by at it. Level three heading. Supplant the level three heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in striking textual style. References National Association of School Psychologist. (2012). what is a School Psychologist. Recovered from http://www. nasponline. organization/about_sp/whatis. aspx Spector, P. E. (2012). Modern and authoritative brain science: Research and practice (sixth Ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Step by step instructions to refer to School Counselor Analysis, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Norman Jewisons Movie The Hurricane Essay -- Movie Review Essays
Norman Jewison's Movie The Hurricane The issue of racial segregation has been depicted in numerous movies over the most recent 15 years. In any case, The Hurricane makes an awesome showing with tending to this issue, and will leave crowd individuals holding their clench hands out of frustration at the treachery that happened to a man named Rubin Tropical storm Carter. The film exhibits the racial disparity that can be found in our legal framework through the great acting by Denzel Washington and the heading of Norman Jewison. The Hurricane makes you wonder who else has been improperly blamed in the previous 30 years. The Hurricane makes snapshots of astonishing genuine punches managed by Denzel Washington (Rubin Typhoon Carter), Vicellous Reon Shannon (Lezra Martin), and the three Canadian companions, Live Schreiber (Sam), Deborah Unger (Lisa), and John Hanna (Terry). The entirety of the entertainers and on-screen characters produce sentiments of adoration, fellowship, and assurance that makes the crowd bounce up and cheer. The film begins with the narrative of Rubin Carter and his battle for the middleweight title. He lost the match in a fixed session to a more fragile adversary. In spite of the fact that, Rubin ruled the ring, he lost the title. The battle portends the racial separation that will be played all through the film. Later in the film in the Lafayette Grill two African-American guys of center form killed three individuals at the all white foundation. Rubin Carter and John Artis were blamed for being those two men. Carter and Artis went to jail for three life sentences. The future looks thin for Carter, in any case, an essential change comes when Lezra Martin finds Carter's book. The film centers around the depiction of Rubin Carter as he goes through 20 years in jail. The a... ... a way that leaves them cheering toward the end, takes this film to another level. Jewison has set up himself as an extraordinary chief and reconfirms that with this film. He is no more peculiar to racially increased movies. He coordinated In the Heat of the Night in 1967 and was scheduled to coordinate Malcolm X, however rejected after a couple of key individuals responded adversely to the possibility of a Caucasian male coordinating the film. The Hurricane, in light of the life of Rubin Carter, brings alive the feelings of trepidation, outrage, and dissatisfaction that he encountered. The Hurricane is no special case for Washington's staggering exhibitions or Jewison's extraordinary coordinating, so in the event that you are searching for a moving, profound, and fascinating film rush to your closest Blockbuster and lease The Hurricane. It is a film that should be seen not only for its incentive as a decent film, yet for its unquestionable call for equity and racial correspondence.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
True Story Great Nonfiction In Audio
True Story Great Nonfiction In Audio This look at great nonfiction audiobooks is sponsored by HMH Books and Media. The best-selling author of How Children Succeed returns with a powerful, mind-changing inquiry into higher education in the United States “Gorgeously reported. Vividly written. Utterly lucid. Paul Tough jumps skillfully between deeply engaging personal narratives and the bigger truths of higher education.†â€"Ira Glass, host, This American Life I discovered audiobooks almost accidentally, as my love and curiosity for radio drama grew. Radio drama taught me to listen without being disturbed by outside distractions, so by the time I picked up audiobooks I was ready for them. Because I find myself unable to read nonfiction for some reason, audiobooks are a fantastic tool for me, and they mean much more than just pure entertainment: they allow me to read things I wouldn’t pick up in print. Across the years I have been looking for great nonfiction in audio, in an effort to help while the time away on my commute to work, or while doing chores around the house. I believe I can assuredly say that I have found a few. Here is a list of great nonfiction books that I have gathered for you, from memoirs to science, feminism, religion, and even a few writing tips and funny stories. How To Be Champion by Sarah Millican I love Sarah Millican. If you are looking for new comedians to follow after the big #metoo scandal, Sarah is a safe bet: she’s quirky, her humor is self-deprecating, and the stories she brings on stage are as much relatable as they are true. Her memoir is one of growing up and trying to figure life out (as we all do), told in the same fun and honest way that Millican delivers her comedy lines. I laughed, I cried, and I’ve learned that investing in what you love, either as a hobby or as an actual job, will lead you to where you need to be. Becoming by Michelle Obama I’m far from believing that anyone in a position of power is perfect in their actions, but as an European on the outside looking into America, Michelle Obama seems too good to be true: kind, worried about issues that matter, using her own role as First Lady to leave something good behind. I had just read her memoir when I discovered she was coming to Amsterdam. I was too late to get tickets, but the impression her book left on me made up for that; it shows a person who never had any political aspirations, and yet, when put in a political setting, did her best to use that for good. In the book, Michelle talks about more than just her role as First Lady: she digs into her childhood, her career aspirations growing up, and youll find that reading about her college years is a treat. Born A Crime by Trevor Noah Now, this book has been out since 2016, but it’s too good not to be included on this list. It is a well-known story that Trevor became a stand-up comedian by chance, but I think its safe to claim that it was by destiny. He is a fantastic storyteller, and you will laugh out loud at unexpected times. One of the funniest books I’ve read, Trevor turns absolutely horrific stories into a comedy show. In the book he explains how it felt growing up in South Africa during apartheid, born to a black mum and a white dad. Every Tools A Hammer by Adam Savage Savage’s obsession with building things is inspiring and in this book, more than telling us his life story, he teaches us how to start building too. Alongside his love for cosplay, he tells the story of how he grew up to become a builder, and how he ended up being a part of Mythbusters. If you are a building nerd, you are in for a few interesting pages, and there’s even a whole chapter dedicated to Savage’s favourite types of glue. Which you can skip, if it’s not your cup of tea; you will find that the book is still a worthy and inspiring listen. Hunger: A Memoir Of My Body by Roxane Gay The first book I read by Roxane Gay was Bad Feminist, an essay on both feminism and race, and when I was done with it I immediately picked up Hunger. I don’t know one single woman who hasn’t dealt with the weight of their own body, and how others perceive it and want us to perceive it. Some men might grow up with family and strangers alike thinking they have a right to talk about how they look, but I’d risk that this is a problem which afflicts all women, either the talk is positive, or negative. Hunger talks about that, and more; it’s a powerful memoir, and essay, on body image, body acceptance, and how the world is made up for certain sizes. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie This is a short essay that you can listen to in about an hour, and it describes how Adichie stumbled upon feminism. Still a child, she was called a feminist by a friend, and when she got home and checked its definition, she did not understand why it had been thrown at her by her friend as if it was an insult. It’s a powerful story, which will make you laugh, and feel outrageous, and will warm your heart in the best ways. It’s a lesson on feminism and why we should all aim to be feminists. The Naked Truth: A Memoir by Leslie Morgan This is both a memoir and a sex diary, written by a woman after a difficult divorce. It is also a true story. After divorcing her husband of 20 years, now close to reaching her 50s, Morgan decides she is going to have only physical no-strings-attached relationships for a year, in a way to reevaluate herself and her life. She is a writer, so she decides to document her experiences and emotions during this year. Although the moral of the book will depend on your own view of all the shenanigans described by Morgan, this is a very entertaining listen which certainly spiced up my commute. On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft by Stephen King I felt the need to add something for those who like to write and would appreciate no-genre tips from the master of horror. More than a book on writing, this is also a memoir of King’s life, and he entangles both things in a very interesting way. He points out his many rejections, his achievements, and it is an inspiring read for writers and readers alike. Whether you like Kings books or youre just looking for tips from someone who made it in the craft of writing, this is an essential book. Educated by Tara Westover This was possibly the best book I’ve listened to this year. Being raised Catholic in a family who didnt exactly follow the rules of the Bible to the core, I distanced myself more and more from religion as I grew up. Ive realized that while I know very little about my own religion, I know even less about other religions and those who follow them. Tara Westover was raised in a strict Mormon family, and this is her own story of growing up in a strict and even sadistic environment until she eventually found a way out of its confines. This book will shock you, maybe even enrage you, but it’s a powerfully told story, and I couldn’t recommend it more, especially for those who have questioned the religion imposed on them from birth and would like to listen about a similar experience. . The Witchcraft Of Salem Village by Shirley Jackson I had heard tales and rumors about the witches of Salem, but I had never heard their complete story. In this book, Jackson explains how a few girls in the small village of Salem make the whole village believe that witchcraft is real, and how these trials were so unfairly taken without little more than word of mouth, and prejudice against certain women. It’s an enthralling tale, and we may try to figure out how it was possible that such an unfair trial took place, knowing well enough that even nowadays unfair trials are carried solely based on the hate the world unreasonably has for women. When The Air Hits Your Brain: Tales Of Neurosurgery by Frank T. Vertosick Jr. This is one of my most favourite audiobooks out there. I have recommended it to people who like life stories and science alike. Although I have seen When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi being recommended countless times, this audiobook, while slightly similar in theme, presents a more interesting approach: not only is it part memoir, a lot of it is hospital tales from the neurosurgery ward, making it a bit less personal in what relates to the author and a little more technical, without forgetting the human side present in any hospital. Youll learn loads of details about the neurosurgery ward, and about your own brain. Super interesting listen. All That Remains: A Life In Death by Sue Black If you like science, and if you are particularly interested in death from a scientific, pragmatic point of view, this is the book for you. Black, a forensic anthropologist, has written a detailed book which covers one of the things most people fear: death. In it, with a certain amount of humour, and by putting all the facts she has learned in her career on the table, the author takes us with her in a vey interesting journey. Probably not for the faint of heart, but certainly for those who wish to understand death better. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells Those who worry about the future of planet Earth and shouldnt we all worry? will not find solace between these pages. This book analyses, without sugarcoating, the impact global warming is going to have on earth in the near future, while also pondering on how this will affect our politics, and our history. It’s more actual than ever. Why We Sleep: Unlocking The Power Of Sleep And Dreams by Matthew Walker It’s worrying how much we tend to disregard our need for sleep. Up until recently, there was no exact explanation of why we sleep, but this book finally brings forward the hows and whys, and how important sleep is to humans. It is the result of a lifetimes scientific research. Especially if you are someone whose motto in life is “I’ll sleep when I dieâ€, this a read well-worth the time: dying might be closer than you think if sleeping is something you disregard. Want more? Here are 50 of the best nonfiction audiobooks and a look at some excellent must-read short nonfiction audiobooks. Sign up for Audiobooks to receive the latest from the audiobooks world.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
One More Show Essay Example - 998 Words
One More Show By age of seven I was sick of school and I wanted out by whatever means. I went Dorsa elementary school, a local school in East Side San Jose. Coming from a Latino background, I was at a disadvantage because English was not my first language. So fix this the principle Mrs. Rodriguez decided to have an after school program with the parents permission of course. This program was meant to keep non native-english speakers for a one to two hours after school. Being in class was hard enough because I didn’t understand what the teachers were saying, or cared about what our learning. I used in sit in the back small classroom, staring at the white board or wall, dazed into space. My hands were usually on underneath†¦show more content†¦After climbing the fence I used to walk or run to my house. After getting home, I usually took a quick nap, then enjoy the day watching cartoons. This cartoon where shows like Clifford, whats New Scooby Doo, Ed Edd n Eddy, Codename Kids Next Door, Johnny Bravo, Static Shock, Justice League, Samurai Jack, Top Cat, Rob ot Boy etc. While watching the cartoons I used to mimic what the characters were saying. Some examples when I watch Ed, Edd n Eddy I used say phrases like â€Å"dork,†â€Å"sockhead,†â€Å"Son of a Shepherd††¦. Ironically this how I learned how to speak, write, and read English, as well as draw. Sometimes for the fun of it, I used to draw cartoon characters because I like how they look. I sat down, grabbed a random paper, crayons and draw what I remembered about a character. This where my passion for drawing came from. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with my method since they found it was considered ditching. I sent multiple times to Mrs. Rodriquez office and she always asks me â€Å"Why do I ditch†or â€Å"How do it†. I replied I just climb the fence and because is boring. My used to come to the office as I waited for her in an empty room. The principle would tell me that she was worried about me since she believed I wasnt learning, a nd she gave my mom statistics stating if I keep this behavior at an early age I would end up dropping out in the future and possibly incarcerated. I never believe thisShow MoreRelatedEssay On Portfolio Reflection1248 Words  | 5 PagesMy Portfolio Reflection Memo below indicates that I achieved this course learning outcome. CLO1 My essay 2 shows that I can develop an essay through the draft and revision. That is focused around a central idea. For example, my thesis has my main idea and all my body paragraphs relate to that. Here is my thesis, â€Å"I agree with her opinion, because although finding solutions that empower and equip children with knowledge to help them cope better with unfairness may not be easy. It is the responsibilityRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses1033 Words  | 5 Pagestheir point across the first time when writing. I would agree with what the professor said. Many essays I have written are not perfect. I have made many mistakes when writing essays. I not only dislike writing, I get tired of writing when I have to write a lot. So my mind wanders off, and my body sits in class. Maybe I do not like to write because I am not good at it. Maybe I just need to practice more on my writing skills, and  that way I can feel confident about myself. After all, I have never seenRead MoreEssaye 2 Eng 100634 Words  | 3 PagesEssay #2â€â€Is Pop Culture Actually Good For You? Our second essay is a response to the readings from the Chapter â€Å"Is Pop Culture Actually Good For You?†and should include specific references to the text when appropriate. You may also develop the essays with examples from your own lives or other courses you may have taken that covered similar themes. 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Jesse Signal starts off the essay by looking at two opposing waysRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Aunt Ida Pieces A Quilt By Melvin Dixon1493 Words  | 6 PagesThe poem â€Å"Aunt Ida Pieces a Quilt†by Melvin Dixon and the essay â€Å"Girl†by Jamaica Kincaid are both from the book Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing edited by Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. In â€Å"Aunt Ida Pieces a Quilt†by Melvin Dixon, the author describes a story of Aunt Ida and expresses her deep grief and memory of her niece through their former experience of making a quilt. The author wants to let readers understand that numerous people dieRead MoreWhy We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King - Analysis Essay876 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Essay Analysis of Why We Crave Horror Movies Thesis: Stephen King never clearly states the thesis of this essay however there is enough information provided that we can infer one. We need to keep our inner lyncher at bay by feeding ourselves with small portions of demonic, bloody, violence, found in horror movies. King writes â€Å"It deliberately appeals to all the worst in us. It is morbidity unchained, our most base instincts let free, our nastiest fantasies realized...†(Why We Crave Horror MoviesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Just Walk On By Brent Staples 941 Words  | 4 PagesIn the essay â€Å"Just Walk on By†, by Brent Staples, Staples makes the generalized claim that both caucasians and african americans, including Staples himself, contribute to the stereotyping of black men, as all around shady characters, in their own way, however, not all black men fit the stereotype. The first, and main portion of his essay, Staples spends supporting the first part of his thesis, that both caucasians and african americans contribute to the stereotype in their own way. Staples explainsRead MoreReflection Paper On Reflection Of Me834 Words  | 4 Pageswriter that really didn’t understand how to correctly write a good essay. To a person who also went from being a writer that was not very confident in her work and one who over thought everything into a person who kind of found her own kind of writing style. Who can quickly and effectively write an essay( also including revision as well ).This portfolio was made so that I can show off what i have learned from this class, and show off just how much I have improved as a writer.The work that I’m going
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Mother in A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay - 2339 Words
The Mother in A Good Man is Hard to Find Thesis: The childrens mother is a lonesome young woman with out love and affection from her closest family, and the only one who talks to her with respect is the Misfit. I. Critics have agreed mostly when they have tried to analyze the grandmother and the Misfit. A. Stephen C. Bandy and Kathleen G. Ochshorn try in separate occasions to analyze the final scene between the grandmother and the Misfit. B. Michell Owens shows how the grandmother has dealt with her changing social order. C. Gary Sloan analyzes the Misfit behavior. D. C. R. Kropf tries to analyze the grandmother and the Misfit. II. Critics disagree in very few cases, except where Flannery OConnor got her†¦show more content†¦III. The mother is nowhere to be found in critics journals, except when Blythe and Sweet compare her to a rabbit, Im going to try to shed some light on her as a mother. A. Flannery OConnor did not give the mother a name, she is referred to as the childrens mother. B. She is raising three children and has little or no time for herself. C. Bailey seems to care about her, but does not show it until right before his death. D. The childrens mother is a housewife and her family treats her in that way. 1. Flannery OConnor allows her to speak up few times in the story. 2. She is inexperienced as a mother and a wife. E. The conflict that the mother caused that lead the family off the main-road, into the Misfits hands. The Person Behind the Childrens Mother in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find. Critics of Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find, have agreed mostly when they have tried to analyze the grandmother and the Misfit. One of those critics, Stephen C. Bandy, says that there are only two characters in the story, the grandmother and the Misfit. Bandy feels that the Misfit is capable of irony and the Misfit means what he ways. In the grandmothers case, Bandy says that readers get emotional about her, because how she died, but alsoShow MoreRelatedFlannery OConnor And Shiloh Analysis1564 Words  | 7 Pagesbut not limited to: love, happiness, journeys, etc. Two short stories in particular, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†by Flannery O’Connor and â€Å"Shiloh†by Bobbie Ann Mason, share similar aspects pertaining to the dual themes of conflict within the families as well as journeys embarked upon by the main characters of the short stories that lead to the ultimate demise of the families. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†begins with a family conflict arising with relation to the destination of a family vacationRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard885 Words  | 4 PagesA Good Man is Hard to Find People are often over looked and are not acknowledged for the good that they do in every day life. Most would not consider Bailey, the father from the story A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor, an outstandingly great man. A scholarly critic, Nancy Nester, expresses that the moral of the story is to delineate Bailey as the Grandmothers idea of a ‘good man’. Bailey’s character is bland and also a bit authoritative and can be seen as an ordinary man, not a ‘good’Read MoreGood Man Is Hard And Find And Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O Connor926 Words  | 4 Pagesnot define them, you define yourself†Earl Nightingale. The stories â€Å"Good Man Is Hard to Find†and â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†both stories written by the author Flannery, O’Connor are stories that implies how the morality and immorality affects the social lives. The story â€Å"Good Man Is Hard to Find†by Flannery O’Connor is a story that define what the word â€Å"Good†is, but everybody has a personal opinion of what’s good or not. In contrast, the other story by Flannery O’Connor â€Å"EverythingRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard To Find And Al Roosten Analysis1651 Words  | 7 Pages Would you consider yourself good or evil? â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find,†written by Flannery O’Connor, is a short story written about a grandmother and her son’s family traveling on vacation, coming into contact with some trouble. The grandmother and her family are killed by fugitives, the Misfit and his accomplices, while waiting for help after a car crash. â€Å"Al Roosten,†written by George Saunders, is a short story written about a man, Al Roosten, who is a businessman that is at a charity eventRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard to Find and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been1091 Words  | 5 PagesA Good Man Is Hard To Find and Wher e Are You Going, Where Have You Been While reading, A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been the readers find themselves lost in worlds of suspense, horror and comic relief through tone and symbolism. Although, the stories contain very different plots, they both have a sense of good vs. evil. In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, Grandmother is a deep religious character that gives the story a depth of interest. The readerRead MoreEssay about Good Man Hard to Find779 Words  | 4 PagesGood Man Hard to Find OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find In A Good Man Is hard to Find, Flannery OConner really puts the reader in the middle class mode and throws a little religion at us. By this I mean that she takes us to an important part of her mind and soul. One could even say that she lets the Devil come out in her own little way. In reading A Good Man is Hard to Find, we find ourselves in a setting of a lower middle class family with a dominant mother, annoyingRead MoreFlannery O Connor s Writing Style1680 Words  | 7 PagesMust Converge†and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Readers can find that â€Å" Everything That Rises Must Converge†and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†are Southern American literature. â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†was written in the midst of the movement of American Civil rights. In the story, the settings such as †bulbous liver-colored monstrosities of a uniform ugliness†and the â€Å"dying violet sky†make people feel moody and uncomfortable. The main character Julian’s mother has an unchangeableRead MoreEssay about The Darkness of Irony in Flannery OConnors Short Stories1314 Words  | 6 Pagesthat is not easy for readers to understand. The first story, â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†, is a story of Julian, a white college graduate, and his mother. Julian accompanies his mother to her YMCA classes because she did not like to take the bus alone. This short story takes place during the times of racial integration. Julian’s mother is racist, in contrast to Julian, who is a liberal. She dislikes the fact that blacks receive the same treatment. â€Å"It’s ridiculous. It’s simply not realisticRead MoreFlannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay1418 Words  | 6 PagesThe Dysfunctional: Psychoanalysis of Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†Murder of women, children, and even a baby is a harsh image used by Flannery O’Connor in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†The imagery is an effective literary device used to convey ironic tragedy, the struggle of female characters, and the family unit. The story follows a family on a trip to Florida when their journey, interrupted by an ill-fated detour resulting in a car wreck, ends in murder after they cross pathsRead MoreSimilarities Between The Lottery And A Good Man Is Hard To Find1376 Words  | 6 Pagesone, but both surrounding a specific theme. The reader sees how two characters, Tessie Hutchinson from Shirley Jacksons â€Å"The Lottery†and the grandmother from A Good Man Is Hard to Find†by Flannery OConnor, treat their family members both similarly and differently and how they are treated in return. Throughout â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†the family members ignore each other, argue, and act selfish towards one another, but in the end, O’Connor presents the theme of familial love. In â€Å"The Lotteryâ€
Gender Biased Culture Free Essays
History of ancient world have shown that gender biased cultures have been in existence for more than thousand of years. The movie Mulan is a perfect example for a gender biased culture by giving the power to the men and withholding it from women. As I grew up in a gender biased cultures like India and Middle East, I can relate this movie with the gender issues in my generation. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Biased Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now For many years, woman in these cultures must be fully covered from head to toe when in public, are not allowed to work, and are not allowed to drive. Mulan Fa, the main character in the movie, comes to her elderly fathers defense and refuses to let him go and fight in the Emperor’s army. She takes matters into her own hands and cuts her hair and puts on her fathers armor to become a man and take his place in the battle. When my father was immigrated to United States America, I and my mother have to stay in India until I finish my high school. In the movie, Mulan is an only child and her father has a physical disability, so Mulan and her mother ended up having to take on traditionally male roles in the house for their family to get by. When I was little, I helped my mother with chores outside my home such as running to stores to buy groceries, pay bills, etc. In my culture, when a girl hits puberty, she is not allowed to go outside of home by herself or without covering from head to toe with hijab. So when I hit puberty I was stopped by my grandparents from going out of my house except for school. After I moved to United States, I started to work part time as I go to school. So, I was the first woman in my family to go to work and drive. In the movie, Mulan feels that she should be able to do all the things males do and do them with pride and dignity. Likewise, it was hard for me as I grew up as a tomboy. If a female follows a male’s style of life are seen as tomboys and are outlawed in my society. Even my mother did not like to keep me in house but she was afraid of the society we have lived in. So, my parents have decided to move to United States as I can have a life with freedom especially from gender biased culture. Like in the movie Mulan, in my culture, men traditionally have the rigorous and more physically demanding chores around the house as in; taking out the trash, mowing lawns, and working to provide for the family Whereas women traditionally have less physically demanding tasks such as having dinner ready and on the table when the husband comes home, they are supposed to clean the house and take care of kids and strictly forbidden from working. This movie came when I was 12 but I saw this movie when I was 18. I liked that movie so much and I thought I was like Mulan. I think this gender biased culture is unhealthy for both gender. It is unfair for men as they must choose their true selves and it is unfair for women and girls as they cannot develop their own talent if its too masculine. The story of this movie Mulan seems to be known and told for more than thousands of years. The chinese in the ancient world wore the dress called Hanfu (â€Å"kwintessential†). When Mulan and the other girls go to see the matchmaker they are all wearing Hanfu. When every family is told that it must send a man to fight in the war her father prepares to go but Mulan decides to go in his stead In order to do this she has to cut her hair short and dress as a man. The movie supports the Mulan story where women must cross-dress to achieve the same accomplishments as men. The movie Mulan summarizes all of the cultures beliefs and thoughts on gender myths and determination. Even now, in some asian countries like in India, China, killing female babies and fetus is still happening. It is because of belief in many cultures that a male can support a family but not female. In many cultures since the beginning of time have had the same attitude towards gender and sex; they are in favor of the masculine male. How to cite Gender Biased Culture, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Brick Tower †a Speech by Justin Hudson Essay Essay Example
The Brick Tower  a Speech by Justin Hudson Essay Paper Ladies and gentlemen. household. module and my fellow schoolmates of the category of 2010. before I begin I would wish to thank those instructors who chose this modest address among the outstanding aggregation of addresss written by my extremely competent equals. I would besides wish to thank all the people who have expressed their support for me and their expectancy for this address. To be told â€Å"You are the best individual in the class to give this speech†. or some fluctuation of that statement. more than one time is truly humbling. and you all are either the most polite people I know. or the kindest people I know. We will write a custom essay sample on The Brick Tower  a Speech by Justin Hudson Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Brick Tower  a Speech by Justin Hudson Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Brick Tower  a Speech by Justin Hudson Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is a great award to give this reference. and I promise I do non take it lightly. I have chosen every word rather carefully because I am to the full cognizant of the duty you all have bestowed upon me. Today. I stand earlier you as a personification of conflictedness. I find myself on this dais sing legion warring emotions. and I am certain many of you here empathize with me on that point. Firstly. and possibly most evidently. I am filled with a great sense of felicity and achievement. My equals and I have put much attempt for the last six yearsâ€â€a tierce of our lives therefore farâ€â€into being able to stand here today and say that we’ve earned the right to stand here. It was by no agencies easy. and there were many times when I thought I would non make this finish line. But those battles have merely made this minute sweeter. The people who are on this phase survived four old ages of Latin. or 8th grade swim category. or English with Ms. D’Amico. or BC Calculus. or the 25 % regulation. and I think all of us can take some pride in that. Yet. my ambivalency on this twenty-four hours stems from the really fact that this ceremonial is the terminal of an backbreaking journey. While I am ready to go on my academic enterprises. cognizing that Hunter has exhaustively prepared me for them. I am besides filled with a deep sense of anxiousness and unhappiness. Hunter has been my 2nd place for the last six old ages. and it has bordered on going my first place. Between my clip diligently taking notes in the schoolroom. playing Chinese Poker in the hallway. taking a sleep in the G. O. office. madly practising for a cultural show or theatre production in the auditorium. heartening for an undefeated hoops squad in the secondary school. or merely sitting outside on the senior stairss. istening to a roar box and basking nice conditions in the courtyard. Hunter has genuinely become a sanctuary for me. My life has revolved around the fourstory brick edifice that stands on East 94th Street and Park Avenue. and Hunter’s intimate category size means that I have become as affiliated to the people of this school as I have to the edifice itself. It may sound artful to state that I will lose each and every one of you. but all of you in some little manner have shaped me into the individual I am today. so I thank you all for that. Of class. the comfort that I have attained at Hunter makes this going a instead dying one. but with anxiousness comes excitement. and the terminal of this journey signifies the start of a trade name new one. As I leave behind the heat that I have experienced at Hunter to come in a immensely new and quite terrorization terrain. I can merely assist but believe back to the last clip I was in this state of affairs. as a fresh-faced. childlike twelve-year old come ining the premonition. windowless Brick Prison for the first clip. Every facet of my life since that point has been overpoweringly positive. so all my frights about what lies in front are somewhat tamed by the thought that I will at least come near to sing in my hereafter what I have already experienced at Hunter. However. ladies and gentlemen. more than felicity. alleviation. fright or unhappiness. I feel a really strong emotion that I can non disregard today. More than anything else. today I feel guilty. I feel guilty because I don’t merit any of this. And neither do any of you. We received an outstanding instruction at no charge based entirely on our public presentation on a trial we took when we were eleven twelvemonth olds. or four twelvemonth olds. We received superior instructors and extra resources based on our position as â€Å"gifted†. while childs who of course needed those resources much more than us wallowed in the quag of a broken system. And now. we stand on the precipice of our lives. in control of our lives. based strictly and merely on fortune and circumstance. If you truly believe that the demographics of Hunter represent the distribution of intelligence in this metropolis. so you must believe that the Upper West Side. Bayside and Flushing are per se more intelligent than the South Bronx. Bedford-Stuyvesant and Washington Heights. and I refuse to accept that. It is surely non Hunter’s mistake that socioeconomic factors inhibit the educational chances of some kids from birth. and in some ways I forgive colleges and universities that are forced to reexamine 18 year-olds. the terminal consequences of a broken system. But. we are speaking about 11 year-olds. Four year-olds. We are make up ones minding children’s destinies before they even had a opportunity. We are playing God. and we are losing. Childs are losing the chance to travel to college or obtain a calling. because no 1 taught them long division or colourss. Hunter is perpetuating a system in which kids. who contain unchecked and untapped mind and creativeness. are discarded like garbage. And we have the audaciousness to state they deserved it. because we’re smarter than them. As pupils. we throw around empty cliches like â€Å"deserve†and â€Å"earn†. most likely because it makes us experience better about ourselves. However. it merely isn’t the instance. I know for a fact that I did non work every bit difficult as I perchance could hold. and I think the same is true for everyone on this phase. Nevertheless. people who work much harder than we of all time could conceive of will neer hold the chances that lie in forepart of us. I apologize if this is non the address you wanted to hear. but you will hold the remainder of your lives to observe your achievements. I apologize if I have non inspired you. or uplifted you. but we have failed to animate and elate an full coevals of kids. That being said. allow me do it really clear that I am non giving anyone here a moral talk. for I am as complicit in the system we are a portion of as anyone else in this room. If anything. I merely make these comments to farther stress how much Hunter has meant to me. because I am acutely cognizant of where I would be now without it. As receivers of luck. we more than anyone else should be able to understand and esteem what our high school experience has meant to us. and has done for us. My guilt finally stems from my consciousness of the academic. societal. emotional and psychological tools that Hunter has blessed us with. Therefore. I believe the best manner to pacify this guilt is to utilize those causeless tools to non merely better myself. but besides better the society that surrounds us outside these oh. so narrow walls. I do non cognize the capacity in which I will be able to do this universe a better and more merely topographic point. but I strongly believe that instruction is the most effectual agencies of making societal betterment. which is exactly why this is a conflict we can non profess. My experiences at Hunter have left me with one concluding emotion ; the last sentiment I will portion with you today is hope. I hope that I will utilize the tools that Hunter has given me as a means to supply chances to others. non out of a sense of paternalistic philanthropic gift. but out of a sense of responsibility to give to other people what Hunter has given to me. I besides hope that you all will make the same. in whatever manner you see fit. Even more so. I hope that in the close hereafter. instruction itself will non be a privilege for the few in this universe. I hope that a quality instruction will non be a privilege for the few in this state. I hope that the Hunter community will fall from its tusk tower made of brick. and administer its tools equally to the mass of humanity that is the City of New York. I hope that. despite its jobs. Hunter can turn out to be the regulation. and non the exclusion. to what can be as a school. Finally. I hope from the underside of my bosom that omeday a category talker can stand on this dais and look into an audience of his closest and dearest friends whom he neer would hold met without Hunter and whom he’ll neer bury. an audience of module members he has a deep regard and esteem for. an audience of household members who have supported him throughout his full life without inquiring for anything in return. I hope this kid can stand on this really phase. expression at the most of import people in his life. and experience happy. sad. relieved. scared. accomplished or whatever his bosom desires. without experiencing guilty about a damn thing. Thank you for your clip.
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